Claims Management
Claims for additional time and money are inevitable on construction projects. They can arise from variations, unforeseen physical conditions, lack of access, delayed design approvals etc.
We assist our clients by managing claims for additional time and money on their behalf.
Our expert team have experience with all major forms of construction contract and the entitlements that arise under them. In addition, our time have extensive training in drafting submissions in a convincing manner.
Our Claims Management Process
We broadly follow a four-step process when managing claims on behalf of our clients:
- Identification and analysis of the claim – We work with our clients’ commercial and delivery teams to understand the issues they are facing on site. We then use this information, in conjunction with the contract terms, to identify and analyse the potential claims available.
- Preparation and presentation of the claim – Our staff are extensively trained in both written and oral advocacy. This enables our staff to present our clients’ claims in the most favourable light possible.
- Negotiation of the claim – Depending on the nature of the claim, a certain degree of negotiation may be required to avoid the costs of dispute resolution. As part of the negotiation process, we provide our clients with commercial advice on when compromising might be the most sensible outcome.
- Dispute resolution – If it is not possible to negotiate a resolution, then we represent our clients in formal mediation and/or adjudication to have the issue resolved.
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