Contract Risk Review
Our contract review service is aimed at contractors, subcontractors and professional consultants who want to understand where the risks lie within their construction contracts before signing them. As part of our standard contract review process, our clients are also provided with suggested amendments (or “push back” comments) for negotiation purposes.
Standardised Reporting
Our contract review reports take the form of a standardised “red-amber-green with comments” review. This means that we will review your contract and provide comments where necessary to identify key risks and issues arising. Those key risks and issues will be colour coded as follows:
- Red – onerous risk/issue where negotiation or senior approval may be required.
- Amber – off-market risk/issue to be considered on a commercial basis.
- Green – risk/issue of note for the purposes of pricing, programming and supply chain pass through.
Our contract review reports also provide an “at a glance summary” of the key operational and commercial elements of the contract. This information is presented in a standardised format so that our clients can make direct comparisons between different contracting opportunities.
In terms of an output, our contract review report is provided in both pdf and excel format. Our comments within the report are drafted in a format which allows them to be passed directly on to the upstream party for negotiation purposes. We can then assist our clients during a negotiation by providing ongoing support and further input.
Why use Fortfield & Brown?
We have reviewed thousands of construction contracts over the years – from amended forms of NEC, JCT, FIDIC, IChemE, and RIAI, to entirely bespoke agreements. This extensive experience means that we are well-versed in what a reasonable construction contract should look like. This allows us to explain where the risks lie to our clients which enables them to negotiate more favourable positions, or to price the risks accordingly.
What also sets us apart is the format of our contract review reports. We use a standardised format that has been developed in conjunction with a range of our clients over the past decade. This means that our contract review reports will provide information that is routinely sought by other construction companies in a user friendly format.
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