
CMG Irish Construction Law Conference 2022 – Suspension and Termination

10 December 2022 - 3 Min Read
By William Brown

The Irish Construction Law Conference is a key annual event for the construction sector. This conference ensures you are up to speed on the most topical legal issues, gives you an insight on upcoming changes, and always offers practical guidance on key issues relating to handling construction claims.

This year we will discuss Competition (Amendment) Bill and new civil investigation regime, recovery of cost increases as a result of increased inflation. We will also explore what information is required in challenging or defending a claim, how to go about challenging an adjudicators decision, contracting alternatives and increased talk of recession, what do we need to get into contracts now.

Booking Your Place

For more information about this event or to book your place – use this link.

Post-Event: Our Contribution

We were invited by CMG to provide an overview of the dangers associated with suspending and/or terminating construction contracts in Ireland.

A copy of our presentation can be viewed and downloaded below:

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